For a start, it's not a church; it's a campus! In addition to the "Main Sanctuary", a sports stadium sized arena where the Voodoo takes place, the 10,500 strong congragation are privy to a gym, basketball court, and Family Fitness Center, a preschool, a bookstore, cafateria, a regular Chapel, a "City Transformation Center", (transformation to what?), and a "Power Source Building", (to transform 'older' children). Sounds scary right?
Well, the service, lead by "Apostle" (*face palm*) Ron Carpenter, was an exquisitly executed event that used social psychology to whip up the deluded into a frenzy of Jesus love. Lights, cameras, loud music, and stage performances akin to a rock concert, sporting event or politicl rally, that had the faith heads literally dancing in the asles full of the love of a guy that was executed 2000 years ago. In other words, an abortion doctor murderer breeding ground.
I have no problem with people having a good time, but to so passionatly follow this supernatural garbage at the expense of reason is at best delusional and at worst dangerous. Here's a secular video that instills the same sence of passion in us that's based on our evolutionary heratige - the need for community. "I get by with a little help from my friends" Go Joe Cocker!