Fun was had by all, both atheists and theists alike. Also, the god’s complied as the weather was perfect. It stated raining after the event was over. There were many great speakers. (The one’s I have pictured are Kathleen Johnson, American Atheists VP and Military Director), Aime Parsons, Director of Camp Quest, and Texas School Board Candidate, and, of Course, Ed Buckner, President of American Atheists.)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Texans for Truthful Text Books Rally
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Is my Godless Evangelism too Close to Fred Phelps-ism?
It like your comments on whether my Godless Evangelism has gone too far. My weekend activities ended up with a couple of very angry Catholic Priests calling the police.
Anyway, I thought I’d do a social experiment where I ‘plant a seed’ of atheism in ‘soil’ where, one would have thought, it had no chance to ‘grow’. That’s outside a Church after Sunday morning worship.
Pastor Calkins
I’m an atheist. I’d like to give the people that visit your church the opportunity to hear the alternate point of view
I’m planning on standing outside your church after Sunday mass with a sign that says, “Hello, I’m and Atheist. Do you have any questions for me?” I also have some business cards with contact information and tracts to hand out to anyone that would take them.
I’d like to ask your advice on where I can stand and park my car so I’m not seeming too assertive or violating any laws.
If you would like to meet me prior to the event, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Doug Stewart
Home: (985) 792-7229
Cell: (504) 676-0536
To his credit, he did get back to me: -
Mr. Stewart,
I have received your e-mail. You are not welcome to be on the church property for the purposes of handing out literature or espousing your views.
Father Ronald Calkins
(Maybe I could have worded my email better but I had no intension of standing or parking on church property.)
Note: This is evidence for the memetic allelopathy of religious belief in culture. Not even the religious leaders themselves know why it exists or how it works; just that society should never confront religion. Why shouldn’t society confront religion? I don’t know, it’s just that society should never confront religion. (Repeat ad infinitum) In the very rare event that religion is confronted, the only defense mechanism is to repeatedly ask that religion not be confronted. (?!?!?!?!)
I was then given the ‘ultimatum’ that if I didn’t “just go away” they would call the police. I agreed. The police car came almost immediately. The officer asked me to stay with my car and spoke to the church officials first. He was with them for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then all the church officials returned to the church and the police officer, who was very congenial and understanding explained to me that even though I wasn’t causing an obstruction, the hard shoulder was reserved for broken down vehicles and I should move, which of course I had no problem with. He even pointed out that if I just pulled forward about 50 feet I could park in the lot of the neighboring business. He also said that he explained to the Priests that I had every right to display a sigh that said just about anything. (Wow! A cop that understands the First Amendment – What a concept!) He took my driving license and returned to his car to run my ID which took what seemed to be nearly half an hour! However, that was a good thing because having a police presence together with a couple of priests and a small crown meant that I had my sign seen by even more people.
P.S. If anyone’s under the impression that evangelizing isn’t imbedded in religious doctrine, I took this picture (see Photo 8) on the exit of a Pentecostal church’s parking lot. I’m thinking of standing next to it with my sign in an attempt to get people to missionize me. Waddya think?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Doug Stewart – “Political Lobbyist”… Eh?
I recently visited
The following Sunday and Monday were packed full of things to do. With interesting presentations by people such as Maggie Garrett of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Marissa Brown from the Alliance for Justice, and Dr. Stu Jordan, CFI’s Science Adviser. CFI also had ‘real live politicians’ come speak to us like Doug Crandall, Director of Legislative Affairs for the US Forest Service and now Acting USDA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations for the Obama Administration, who told us how
But that was just the half of it. CFI organized a tour at the Smithsonian Museum Hall of Human Origins where I got to meet all my distant cousins, my favorite being ‘Lucy’, otherwise know as Australopithecus Afarensis. It had been about 3.2 million years so we had a lot to catch up on. This was followed by an exhibition in honor of Charles Darwin called The Evolution of Evolution that focused on the significant role that
A very entertaining walking tour was provided by Steve C. Lowe, a Director of the Washington Area Secular Humanists (WASH) on ‘The Great Agnostic’ Robert G. Ingersoll. He was the best-known orator and a political speechmaker of 19th-century
There was also a guided tour of the
The Monday evening culminated with a formal dinner attended by Dr. R. Elisabeth 'Liz' Cornwell, Executive Director of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science. http://richarddawkinsfoundation.%20org/foundation,RDFRSstaff.
Tuesday April 27th was lobbying day! CFI had previously instructed us on how to set up appointments with the Legislative Offices of our choice. I chose Congressman Steve Scalise, representing the 1st District of Louisiana, (Northshore, where I live), and Louisiana Senator David Vitter. David Vitter’s office never even acknowledged my emails and voice mails, (hmm?), but I did get an appointment with Scalise’s Legislative Assistant, Caitlin Songy. Assisted by CFI’s Matt Separa we discussed a number of issues, starting with the Louisiana Science Education Act, something dear to my heart, which allows school teachers to teach creationism along side evolution in schools. I tried to point out the national embarrassment that this Bill spotlights on
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another Approach to Rebut the Resurrection Story
No doubt you’ve been given the endless drivel of reasons why the resurrection of Jesus Christ was true, the Bible no doubt? Well there’s a book with the credibility of a used car salesman with a crack addiction.
I was recently corresponding with a theologian on the subject and decided on another approach. This is my email. What do you think?
To [Theologian]
I won’t bore you with the multitudes of Biblical contradictions about the resurrection (and everything else for that matter). Just Google, “contradictions in the bible - resurrection” and reach out to your intellectual honesty.
I’d like to approach your belief from the angle of what’s going on in your head. The relatively new subject called the Cognitive Science of Religion,, had identified naturally evolved thought processes, (Note: By the way, if you don’t accept evolution, I’m afraid we’re a non starter), that religion has hijacked. This coupled with the transfer mechanism of ‘memes’,, shows that we’re pre-programmed to believe.
The HIV virus is
exquisitely evolved with receptors, chemical signals, physical structure, etc, to invade cells, specifically those of the human immune system. How did it get to do this I hear you ask? It evolved to do it. All the other viruses that morphed to have different infection techniques that weren’t as good as HIV, simply didn’t survive. Similarly, the memetic virus known as the story of someone that died unjustly 2000 years ago and, because he came back to life, he took away all the responsibility for all the bad deeds, not just done by you, but for all of humanity, has exquisitely evolved ‘receptors’, pleasing ‘signals’, and ‘physical evidence – the Bible' (in your mind anyway), that this story is actually true.
For example, if I told you 1.) there was a tree in my back yard, you’d say, “so?” If I told you 2.) there was a tree in my back yard that turned invisible every second Wednesday, you’d say, “Doug, go and get some therapy.” However, if I told you 3.) there was a tree in my back yard that, due to it being next to the pond, and the sound of the fountain, and the pleasant greenery of
Now, ‘meme’ 1.) is boring. Enough said. Meme 2. is stupid. Enough said. But meme 3.) is what’s called ‘minimally counter intuitive’. It’s initially believable in that who on this planet doesn’t have problems, concerns, and worries? Furthermore, who wouldn’t appreciate a beautiful scene with a pond, a fountain, ducks, greenery, etc.? But then it slides very slightly and slowly into the supernatural, but that’s okay because you get something out of it. You get your psychological stress relieved and what’s more, you get answers for the future. Also, using the words ‘occasionally’, 'sometimes' and ‘maybe’ implies that even if it doesn't happen all the time, it doesn't mean that it's not true. This is exactly the same as the resurrection story.
To the New Orleans Theological Baptist Seminary’s credit, they had a theologian, Dr. Michael Murray come speak about this very subject. Of course, he ended the lecture by saying “it’s all God’s will”, but up to that point, his presentation was excellent.
I don’t know if you have an interest in social psychology, and more specifically, cognitive evolution, but that’s where the answers to religious belief are.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Extreme Makeover - Home Edition is Immoral
What are we told to do when we see a panhandler in the street? The official answer is point them in the direction of a charity aided center and then go home and make a donation to that charity.
What does the ABC show, Extreme Makeover effectively do? They scour the country for the most pathetic family in
Wouldn’t it be great if all the corporations, companies, and people donated to organizations that helped ALL families in need, not just the most photogenically pitiable? This approach may be accused of being “socialist”, (shhhhh! – who said that word?), but the blatantly capitalistic approach of ‘winner takes all” is immoral.
What the programs fail to tell their audience is that the ‘lucky’ recipient’s home mortgages are adjusted based on the lavish new property, which has resulted in several of the families not being able to keep up with the payments. As a result, many are now facing foreclosure.
I was in
What is Religion?
My personal observation is that religion is ‘the terrible feeling that someone somewhere is happy’.
But the experts in the field of psychology called the Cognitive Science of Religion,, such as Pascal Boyer, David Sloan Wilson, Justine Barrette, Jesse Baring, Scott Atran, Stewart Guthrie, and many more are debating the whether religion is either: -
An evolutionary adaptation ~ vs. ~ A byproduct or ‘spandrel’
However, people such as Richard Dawkins, (Evolutionary Biologist), Daniel Dennett, (Philosopher and Evolutionist), and J. Anderson Thompson, (Psychiatrist), and Darrel Ray, (Psychiatrist), believe that religion is a cultural parasite that has hijacked normal cognitive mechanisms for it’s own ends, which, like any viral infection is to survive and multiply. To me, this sounds just like religion, so I’m going with it.
As purely an academic exercise, it made me think of trying to group the human thought processes that contribute to religious belief into the adaptation or byproduct categories. Even though the religious mental pathogen infects all of them, this is what I came up with.
Religion’s Cognitive Mechanisms that are primarily an adaptation:
Minimally Counter Intuitive (MCI)
Hyperactive Agency Detection Device (HADD)
Theory of Mind
Decoupled Cognition
Cognitive Dissidence
Reciprocal Altruism
Altruistic Punishment
Childhood Credulity
Deference to Authority
Attachment Systems
Relationship Transference
Kin Psychology
Mirror Neurons
Religion’s Cognitive Mechanisms that are primarily a byproduct:
Dealing with Death
Dualism (Soul)
Intuitive Reasoning
Motivated Reasoning
Confirmation Bias
Familiarity Bias
Memetic Replication (Transfer)
Memetic Allelopathy
Contagion Interference Systems
Flawed Recollection
Perception of Design
Quest for Purpose
Need for Explanation
Causal Determinacy
Intuitive Reasoning
Motivated Reasoning
Confirmation Bias
Belief in Belief
Attitude Inoculation
Reactance Theory
Elaboration Likelihood Model (Peripheral route)
Costly Signals of Commitment
Mere Messenger Strategy
Naïve Group Psychology
In Group/Out Group Psychology
What do you think?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Daniel Dennett & Percy Sledge?
Daniel Dennett, when interviewed by BeliefNet, was asked:
You write that loyalty to religion is a bit like falling in love, and that's why people take such great offense when you try to counter their views. How are they similar?
The emotional passion with which people declare their love for their religion should be taken very seriously. Whenever there is a love object, whether it is another person, or a nation or a religious creed or the Boston Red Sox, there is a built-in, outraged response to anything that threatens or demeans or is even skeptical [of that love object]. If you start saying something skeptical of my loved one, my dukes are up. That's a response which I'm quite sure is genetically favored in our species, in the same way it's favored in mammals in general to protect their young.
This reminded me of the song by Percy Sledge, ‘When a Man Loves a Woman”. Read through the lyrics and replace “woman” with “Jesus”, and, ‘voila!’, you have a religious fundamentalist.
When a man loves a woman Jesus
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good thing he's found
If she's bad he can't see itShe can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he put her him down
When a man loves a woman Jesus
Spend his very last dime
Tryin' to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comfort
Sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way it ought to be
Well, this man loves a woman Jesus
I gave you everything I had
Tryin' to hold on to your precious loveBaby, Jesus, please don't treat me bad
When a man loves a woman Jesus
Down deep in his soulShe can bring him such misery
If she plays him for a fool
He's the last one to know
Lovin' eyes can't ever see
When a man loves a woman Jesus
He can do no wrong
He can never own some other girl God
Yes when a man loves a woman Jesus
I know exactly how he feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus you're my world
When a man loves a woman Jesus.....
Don't you think the expressions “Love is Blind” and “Blind Faith” go together?